HS Foundation’s HS CAPE (Community Awareness and Patient Empowerment) Program Request for Proposals
January 9, 2023
The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation (HSF) is seeking grant applications that encourage programs that benefit patients with the disease hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), with an emphasis on grassroots, community-based programs. The goal is to stimulate the development of programs in the field of HS that increase disease awareness, provide support to patients and caregivers, improve patient care or benefit patients with HS in other ways.
$10,000 each year is allocated to this grant program. Typical awards will be for up to $2,000 but proposals for up to $5,000 will be considered (direct costs only, regardless of the amount of the award). Award amount is contingent upon the availability of funds and the receipt of sufficiently meritorious applications. Proposals will be considered on an individual basis, with the intent to award community-based initiatives likely to make a positive impact as noted in the purpose above.
Individuals and organizations are eligible and grant applications are accepted and considered year-round. The program leader must be personally and actively responsible for the conduct of the proposed project. Only individuals/organizations working/living in the United States are eligible to apply.
Review Criteria
Reviewers will be asked to base their evaluations on the criteria listed below.
- Relevance to hidradenitis suppurativa
- Innovation
- Strategy is well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the aims
- Ability of program to accomplish aims
- Potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success are presented
Reporting requirements
Within 60 days of completing the approved project, the grantee is required to submit a written report summarizing the outcome(s) of the program. If an approved project cannot be completed as originally proposed or within the time limits mandated the grantee must immediately contact the HSF.
For more information, please send an email to grants@hs-foundation.org.
Application Instructions
Download application guidelines
The HSF Grant application must be submitted by email to grants@hs-foundation.org as a single pdf.
Application Formatting Requirements
The application should follow the following format: a minimum of 0.5-inch margins and minimum of 11-point font size, single-spaced, with a maximum length of three pages.
- TITLE PAGE: Include the program title, project leader’s name, and contact information.
- ABSTRACT: Summarize the proposed project in 350 words or less. This should describe the aims of the project and the project’s significance with respect to HS.
- BUDGET: Provide a budget summary, including a concise statement of how you propose to allocate funds (amount and for what purpose). Travel costs are not allowed.
- PROJECT DETAILS: Include specific aims (the goals of the project should be succinctly stated – what do you intend to accomplish?). Provide background and significance – why is this project important and how will it help people affected by HS? Describe the project design – how it will be executed, how you will measure the project’s impact and how you will show success?
- LETTER(S) OF SUPPORT: Applicants may use this space to provide letters of support from collaborators or supporting people/facilities/resources who will contribute to the proposed project.