HSF Awards Four Danby Research Grants in 2022
June 3, 2022
The HSF is proud to announce the four recipients of the 2022 Danby Research Awards. With the most applicants and awards ever for the Foundation, reviewers were excited about the quality of the applications received. Drs. Michelle Lowes and Haley Naik, co-chairs for the review committee, both commented that the quality of the applications was exceptional and it represents a positive trend towards more interest and resources dedicated to the research of HS.
The four recipients, each receiving $10,000 towards their project, are:
Sarah Whitley, MD, PhD

Assistant Prof. of Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
"Targeting cutaneous nociceptors to reduce type 17 inflammation in hidradenitis suppurativa."
Jaehwan Kim, MD, PhD

Assistant Prof., School of Medicine, University of California Davis
"Cutaneous single-cell transcriptomic study of type 17 T cells in hidradenitis suppurativa compared to psoriasis."
Irena Pastar, PhD

Associate Prof., Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
"The role of antimicrobial protein Perforin-2 in hidradenitis suppurativa." (awarded with Natasa Strbo, MD, PhD)
Natasa Strbo, MD, PhD

Assistant Prof., Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
"The role of antimicrobial protein Perforin-2 in hidradenitis suppurativa." (awarded with Irena Pastar, PhD)
Victoria Fang, MD, PhD

PGY3 Dermatology Resident, University of Pennsylvania
"Highly multiplexed imaging and characterization of tertiary lymphoid structures in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa."