Hidradenitis Suppurativa Specialty Clinics
The locations below have medical providers with a special interest in caring for people with HS, and commit to regular continuing education specifically about HS. The HS Foundation is not affiliated with any of these clinics, nor do we provide any endorsement.
There are no clinics that match your filter selections.
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MNProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MN
Clinical trials available
Emory University Dermatology
Atlanta, GAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in GA
Clinical trials available
Washington University School of Medicine
Saint Louis, MOProvider type: Dermatologist
Clinical trials available
Stanford University
Redwood City, CAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in CA
Clinical trials available
Children's Hospital of Orange County/University of California Irvine
Irvine, CAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in CA
Clinical trials available
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Boston, MAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MA
Clinical trials available
Mayo Clinic Arizona
Scottsdale, AZProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in AZ
Clinical trials available
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Boston, MAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MA
Clinical trials available
Children's National Hospital
Washington, DCProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MD, VA
Clinical trials available
Wayne Health Dermatology
Dearborn, MIProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MI
Clinical trials available
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MDProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MD
Clinical trials available
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
New Haven, CTProvider type: Dermatologist
Clinical trials available
Yale Medicine/Yale New Haven Hospital
New Haven, CTProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in CT
Clinical trials available
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in VA
Clinical trials available
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MIProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MI
Clinical trials available
Tono Health
Brooklyn, NYProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MD, MI, MN, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI
Clinical trials available
M Health Fairview Dermatology Clinic Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MNProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MN
Clinical trials available
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Burlington, MAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MA, NH
Dermatology, UCHealth Anschutz Medical Campus
Aurora, COProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in CO
Mount Sinai Beth Israel Dermatology
New York, NYProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in CT, NY
Clinical trials available
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, ORProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in OR, WA
Clinical trials available
Hamzavi Dermatology
Clinton Township, MIProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MI
Clinical trials available
Geisinger Medical Center
Danville, PAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in PA
Clinical trials available
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Ridgeland, MSProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MS
Clinical trials available
Durham, NCProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in NC
Clinical trials available
Penn State Health Dermatology
Hershey, PAProvider type: Nurse_practitioner
Telehealth available in PA
Clinical trials available
The University of Miami, hospitals and clinics
Miami, FLProvider type: Dermatologist
Clinical trials available
University of South Florida/ TGH
Tampa, FLProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in FL
Clinical trials available
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Dermatology
Birmingham, ALProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in AL
Clinical trials available
Miami Dermatology And Mohs Surgery
Miami, FLProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in FL
Clinical trials available
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in PA
Clinical trials available
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CAProvider type: Dermatologist
Clinical trials available
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IAProvider type: Surgeon
Telehealth available in IA
Clinical trials available
Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, ORProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in OR
Clinical trials available
Dermatology Physicians of Dallas
Dallas, TXProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in TX
Clinical trials available
University of Texas Dell Medical School
Austin, TXProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in TX
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, MAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in MA
Clinical trials available
Rush University
Chicago, ILProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in IL
Clinical trials available
Washington University School of Medicine
Saint Louis, MOProvider type: Dermatologist
Clinical trials available
Resnik Skin Institute
Aventura, FLProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in FL, LA, NC
Clinical trials available
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, ILProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in IL
Clinical trials available
Medical College of Wisconsin/Froedtert
Wauwatosa, WIProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in WI
Clinical trials available
University of North Carolina Department of Dermatology
Chapel Hill, NCProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in NC
Clinical trials available
University of Vermont Medical Center
Burlington, VTProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in VT
Medical Dermatology Specialists
Atlanta, GAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in GA, KY
Clinical trials available
UCHealth Burn and Frostbite Center at Anschutz Medical Campus
Aurora, COProvider type: Surgeon
Telehealth available in CO
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, PAProvider type: Dermatologist
Telehealth available in DE, PA